Monday, April 2, 2012



Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson...fascinating, motivating, inspiring...these are but 3 words that I think of when I reflect on the biography of Steve Jobs. Nothing short of a genius, Jobs was an innovator who would settle for nothing less than perfection. A visionary, he thrived when he was surrounded by his "A" team. He challenged others equally as he pushed himself, to be their best "selves". He believed that when we as individuals strive to be our best, "we contribute back to our species" and "add something to the flow". He recognized that we all have different gifts, and when we nurture those gifts, we not only benefit ourselves, but we have the power to change the world.

Some may scoff at Interior Design as superfluous, and to be honest sometimes I have wondered myself  if I should be doing more 'important' work. But each time I see the smiles and tears of joy on the faces of my clients as they walk into their new homes for the first time, I realize that I am doing my part to change lives one project at a time. And in my own way, I am changing the world. Jobs believed that "design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers".  And I believe that each project that I complete has a part of my soul embedded into it, shown thru each layer as they all come together to create the whole.  That "whole" is my reward. What can you do to change the world? What is your "whole"?

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